This challenge is trending now a days. And teenagers are getting inspiration from youtube videos.
This cause childrens to suffer serious burns and, in at least one case, death.
On Monday, an 11-year-old Jamoneisha Merritt of the Bronx was badly burned when friends poured boiling water on her face while she slept. In July, a 10-year-old Wesley Smith of North Carolina suffered severe burns after he and his step-brother attempted the challenge. And in late July, an 8-year-old Ki’ari Pope of Florida died several months after her cousin dared her to drink boiling water through a straw. Pope burned her mouth and throat, received a tracheotomy, and suffered enduring respiratory problems. The night she died, she told her family she couldn’t breathe, and fell unconscious shortly thereafter.
If your ward is attracting these kinds of activity please remove your ward from these kind of challenges.
There are several cases of being injured by this challenge and atleast 1 death by it.
In some serious cases death can also be a result.
So if you are a teen please donot attract to these kind of challenges.
And if your ward is attracted to this plz tell him/her the truth behind it.
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